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RULES and regulation

1. Name and registered address of the association

The name of the association is Helsingin Downhill ry. and is domiciled in Helsinki.

2. Purpose and quality of operations

The purpose of the association is to promote downhill cycling in general, both fitness and fitness
at the competitive level. The association is also established to meet the requirement of the City of Helsinki
On the organization of downhill cycling activities at the top of Malminkartano. The purpose is especially
enables the practice of downhill cycling and its long tradition in the area.
In order to achieve its purpose, the association actively participates in the development of the top of Malminkartano
exercise opportunities and works for the continuity of a safe cycling hobby.
The association organizes various sports - related events and celebrations, as well as
training and coaching and counselling for downhill cycling. Its activities
In order to support this, the association can organize various paid entertainment events, as well as engage in publishing,
fundraising and lottery activities after proper authorization. The association is legitimate
to acquire, lease and own immovable and movable property for the purposes of its activities, or
country, as well as to receive donations, grants and wills.
In addition to the territorial affiliation mentioned above, the association may engage in or participate in its purpose
activities elsewhere.


3. Members

Anyone who accepts the purpose and rules of the association can join the association.
All children under the age of 15 are required to have parental consent. Members are approved on application by the board of the association. Members undertake to comply with the safety plans, rules and instructions jointly agreed upon and in force at the time. Members are responsible for the necessary sports and leisure insurance coverage.
Membership in the association does not include insurance coverage.
A member may be dismissed on the proposal of the board by a decision of the meeting of the association, if his
shall be deemed to have acted in violation of the rules of the association or otherwise caused serious harm to the association or its activities.


4. Registration and membership fee

The amount of the membership fee and annual membership fee charged to members is decided by the association


5. Honorary members

The meeting of the association may, on the proposal of the board of the association, invite an honorary member of the association
persons who have been meritorious and have long been members of the association, its activities,
for purposes or downhill cycling. The honorary member principle is included
the association’s rules, especially the appreciation of Malminkartano’s top downhill bike trails
enthusiasts who have built as long-term support work.
Honorary membership requires a particularly significant activity in the activities of the association and / or
but does not necessarily require membership of the association before
being called an honorary member.
Calling an honorary member does not require the person to be invited to be previously rewarded by the association
through the agency of. An honorary member has the right to attend, speak and vote at a meeting of the association, such as
full member. Honorary members are free of the membership fee and the membership fee for the year of accession. An honorary member may be removed from a meeting of the association on the proposal of the board
by a decision if he is considered to have acted in breach of the rules of the association, or otherwise caused serious harm to the association or its activities.
Honorary membership can be distinguished on the same principles as from the actual membership of the association


6. Board of Directors

The affairs of the association are managed by the board, which includes those elected at the annual meeting
chairman and 2-6 other members and 0-2 alternates. Government
the term of office is the time between annual meetings. The Board elects a Deputy Chairman from among its members
and take over from among its members or from outside the Secretary, the Treasurer and other necessary staff. The Board of Directors convenes at the invitation of the Chairman or, in his absence, the Deputy Chairman, when they deem it necessary or when at least half of the members of the Board so request. A quorum is reached when at least half of its members, including the chairman or vice-chairman, are present. Voting shall be by an absolute majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the chairman shall have the casting vote, but the election shall be by lot.


7. Writing the name of the association

The name of the association is written by the chairman of the board alone or by two members of the board together.
The board may give an employee of the association the right to write the name of the association alone.


8. Financial year

The financial year of the association is the calendar year.
The financial statements of the association are made on a calendar year basis and must be submitted with the necessary documents
to the Performance Auditor no later than three (3) weeks before the Annual General Meeting. Operational Inspector
shall give its opinion on the inspection no later than fourteen (14) days in advance
annual meeting


9. Meetings of the Association

The annual meeting of the association is held in March-April and the autumn meeting in October-November
on a date to be determined by the Government.
At meetings of the Association, each member has one vote. For the decision of the meeting of the association
unless the rules provide otherwise, the opinion supported by more than half of those given
votes. In the event of a tie, the chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote, but in the election


10. Convening meetings of the Association

The board must convene at least seven meetings of the association
the day before the meeting to members by e-mail. A meeting may also be convened if
10% membership or 20 members so requires.


11. Matters to be discussed at the annual meeting

1. Opening of the meeting
2. The chairman, secretary and two (2) auditors of the minutes shall be elected, if necessary
may act as tellers
3. The legality and quorum of the meeting shall be established
4. The rules of procedure of the meeting were adopted
5. Present the financial statements, the annual report and
the opinion of the performance auditor

6. Decide on the approval of the accounts and the discharge
government and other accountable persons
7. Other issues that arise
If a member of the association wishes to have a matter discussed at a meeting of the association, it is
he shall inform the Government in writing in sufficient time for the matter to be included
invitation to the meeting.
8. Closure of the meeting


12. Matters to be discussed at the autumn meeting

1. Opening of the meeting
2. The chairman, secretary and two (2) auditors of the minutes shall be elected, if necessary
may act as tellers
3. The legality and quorum of the meeting shall be established
4. The rules of procedure of the meeting were adopted
5. The chairman of the association and other members of the board are elected for the next term
6. The action plan, the statement of revenue and expenditure and the amount of the membership fee are approved
staff remuneration
8. Select one (1) Operations Auditor and one (1) Deputy Operations Inspector. 9. The others will appear
10. Closure of the meeting


13. Changing the Rules

Amendments to the rules must be made at a meeting of the association at least three-quarters (3/4)
by a majority of the votes cast.
The invitation to the meeting must mention any changes to the rules.


14. Dissolution of the Association

The association may be dissolved if two meetings held at least one month apart
at least 3/4 of the votes cast at the meeting in favour of the proposal to dissolve.
At least 20 must be present at both meetings
a full member of the association. The latter dissolution meeting of the association decides on the association
the use of the remaining funds mentioned in section 2 of these rules
purpose. The dissolution must be mentioned in the invitation to the meeting. Provided
the association has less than 20 members, 3/4 of the members are enough.

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